What is lag putt? A lag putt is at least twenty feet long, where the player tries to leave the ball a few feet from the hole. The goal is to be able to tap in for a two-putt instead of having to make a putt from five feet or farther. Keep reading…
What Is lag putt?
Lag putts happen when players aim for the cup even though they don’t think they can make the long putt. The goal is to get the ball as close as possible to the hole, preferably within two inches. “Lag” could also mean the shorter second putt that comes after a missed first putt. Lag-putting can be hard, but you can get better at it and lower your scores if you know what to expect and how to play. Hopefully, you will understand WHAT IS A LAG PUTT and now we will check out more about it.
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Mastering Lag Putting

A great lag putt is not sexy in any way. All of it comes down to productivity. These are the best “on the course” tips for lag putting to help you get better and save strokes.
Keep sight of the ball
If your putt goes past the hole, keep an eye on where it went. It will tell you immediately how your next putt will break. Players often get angry when their ball rolls by, and they miss important information. Watch how the ball moves away from the hole to figure out how it will move back.
Check Distance
Only seeing their putt from behind the ball is a big mistake. There are better ways to figure out how far away something is than depth perception. Move to the side of your ball in the middle of the hole. Think of yourself as the pointy end of a triangle, with the ball and hole as the other two points. This view gives you a better idea of how far your putt is.
Second half break
Find the break from the second half of your putt. During the first half of your putt, the break will have little effect on the ball’s speed. The break will have a much bigger effect as the putt goes on and slows down. Find the middle point between your ball and the hole and figure out how the ball will break from there to the hole.

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Remember that games and drills that help you control your distance can help you get better at lag putting. Ultimately, you want to be able to lag putt regularly and confidently. This will help you do well on the course. Do the work, enjoy it, and watch your lag putting improve over time.
What does it mean to “lag putt”?
When you lag your putt, you don’t trust your first putt or skill to make the second putt from where the first putt stopped.
How do you read slow putts?
If the putt is over twenty feet away, split the ball-to-hole distance into three equal pieces. Put 10% of your read into the first third of the putt.
What’s wrong with the way you putt?
The putter and ball must be in the right place for the stroke line. To get into a good putting position, clap your hands together. This is about where your putter should be about your body.
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